I have been flying for a little over a year now! I work full time at a private FBO and fly in my free time. One of my favorite things about aviation is the confidence that it helps you achieve. Growing up I was always a very cautious person, in fact to this day I am still terrified of heights and roller coasters! Flying has helped to instill a sense of confidence and self worth in myself that I would have never imagined I would have. I actually thought that my career in aviation would lead me to a being a flight attendant one day, I never would have guessed I would be a pilot. I have many friends who are pilots and finally took my discovery flight in August of last year and I instantly fell in love. When they talk about “the aviation bug” I can definitely agree it’s real. I am currently working on my private pilot’s license and hope to go all the way through my training. My goal right now is to one day fly for a career, I’m interested in corporate aviation but I would like to transition the airlines at some point. I am doing my training in a Cessna 172R right now, but my favorite airplane that I have flown was an experimental Vans RV-10. After I get all of my required ratings done I would also like to get my tailwheel and seaplane endorsements! Being a young woman in aviation has opened so many doors for me to have an impact on the aviation community in my future. I joined the Ninety Nine's in January and I have had the most amazing experience meeting new people and helping with outreach programs. I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us!